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Our Natural EMF Environment

October 25, 2019 6 Comments

Greenbank Radio Telescope

A little over a year ago I went with the family to Greenbank WV to do some of my own research and take measurements with all my equipment I use on EMF Home Assessments.
The question I had was "Just how far removed are we from the electromagnetic environment of our ancestors?"

I came to find out that in Greenbank, West Virginia they have AC electricity and along with it all the high frequency transients that are produced from various places on the grid. In fact, the dirty ground there seems to be much higher than other areas in the country that I've tested, especially near certain power lines around the telescope.
So what is so special about Greenbank and why did I choose this place to do my research?
Well, they have one of the world's largest radio telescopes plus several other telescopes that are scanning the galaxy and beyond for radio waves (wireless signals).  This isn't just about scanning for intelligent life elsewhere but about understanding the full spectrum of electromagnetism in the universe that is emitting towards the earth.  You see, there is more to the universe than just what we see.  Visible light is only a fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum.

Greenbank is in the National Radio Quiet Zone and there are virtually no RF transmissions from broadcasting towers within a 13,000 square mile area.  The town still has a payphone!

It's bizarre... you can go through all the the AM and FM radio stations and nothing locks in on your car radio.  There is also zero cell phone service.  The ski resorts in the mountains have some connectivity but their transmitters have to be facing away from the direction of the telescope.  The GBT even employs a full time person to travel around and track down interference signals that cause too much noise to pick up the sensitive frequencies the telescope is detecting!

The radio telescopes at Greenbank are so sensitive that they have to offset the known interference of the electronics in the telescope itself in order to extract and sense what is coming from outer space.
Did you know that your own body produces extremely small amounts of radio waves? Not only that but also emits x-rays, UV, infrared, and the full spectrum of radiation, including the ionizing type? It's such a small amount but these telescopes, like GBT (and the ones at the Naval Research Laboratory) can pick up the radio wave signal from a human body over 3 miles away!
WHY does the body produce these radiations?
We don't really know. It hasn't been studied all that much and now would be very difficult to study in most places because of all the interference from AM and FM radio, mobile phone networks, TV stations, radar, etc.
I think the better question here is if we haven't extensively studied the effects and roles of all these radiations the body produces then why are we blanketing ourselves in artificial pulsating forms of them?

It's important to understand that the PULSATION isn't natural.  We don't receive modulated digital radio frequencies in nature.  We get analog signals and they are MUCH weaker.
The strongest radio signals we receive from natural sources from the cosmos are about a ONE HUNDRED BILLIONTH OF A WATT.
That means 1 microwatt of RF energy is about 1 million times stronger than the strongest RF pulse we would have received ancestrally.
The FCC has approved up to 500 watts of radiated RF power per channel from antennas. The power radiated that I've seen on antennas registered on AntennaSearch is anywhere from 25 watts to 50 watts. In some homes we are detecting as much as 1-2 watts per cm squared. Even 100 microwatts is concerning by our standards. We ideally want to see below 1 microwatt per METER squared in the bedroom and we ideally want the RF meter to be silent as well.
There is virtually no place on earth besides Greenbank, WV and other radio quiet zones that have an acceptable level of RF without shielding. Even remote areas have radar allowed to permeate the area by satellite and often FM and AM radio stations come in very clearly.
Many people don't realize that although wireless radiation is exponentially increasing this dirty power is just as much of a problem for our health. In fact, there are 6 different types of non-ionizing EMF radiation that we test for in the Shielded Healing Assessments and each one is very important to take care of in order to see the types of health improvements and results that we expect after solutions are put in place.
We've reached a point in human history where we believe everyone needs to take action and at least protect themselves at night. In order to do this shielding correctly there are other types of EMF to test for and rule out. It's also important to have the proper recommendations made so you don't waste money on the wrong shielding material or with recommendations that will leave you with subpar results.
I (Brian) got into this field (no pun intended!) first as a health practitioner to help people in my own practice.  I had a few of the people in my practice use some professionals to test their home and they made some recommendations.  It helped these people marginally but I was looking for someone with solutions to all the EMF problems that they find in a home.  I couldn't find even one professional that was providing this service.  This is why Shielded Healing was started.

I traveled all over the country for over 2 years and did over 500 assessments in 45 different states.  I spent 4-5 hours in each person's home testing and then recommending solutions.  Some people installed the solutions and others didn't.  The ones that did saw some incredible results.  Getting off thyroid medication, night sweats stopping, ringing in the ears going away overnight, deep sleep improvements, blood sugar stabilizing, and the feeling of being well rested upon waking up.

About halfway through this marathon of assessments I discovered that there were some less expensive products available that were of higher quality than what I was using so I immediately switched over to those after getting everything third party tested that I was currently using. I learned a hard lesson that I can't trust manufacturer reports and need to always do my own independent testing so I can recommend products with confidence and integrity.

I now have 5 Shielded Healing Pros trained to do these assessments and we are covering the entire United States, going into most states at least twice a year.

We've basically raised the standards for EMF assessments and remediation and now provide the best and most thorough EMF evaluations of anyone out there AND we help build a whole protocol for the home so people know exactly what they need to do to fix all the stressors we find.
We also come back and test all the solutions in place for free!  At the retest we will make any adjustments or additional recommendations.  The goal is to get people set up so they can mitigate what's in their home and then get on with their lives. 

There is more to life than stressing about EMF exposure!  Let us do that for you and keep you updated on what to be concerned about.  These exposures ARE serious and we understand first hand how debilitating it can be for those that are most sensitive and are experiencing symptoms. 

People that are EHS, or have microwave sickness are some of our favorite assessments to do because we get clued into how we can improve to help them.  If we can help them then everything we do for everyone else is improved.
We are always updating our recommendations as we find better materials, design new products, or discover new techniques to combat the ever-changing wireless and EMF environments that we are all exposed to.
Upon completing an assessment you'll also get access to our exclusive Facebook group and have lifetime access to the latest solutions and professional tips on all things EMF.

If you don't see your area on our website but want an EMF assessment please email us at info@shieldedhealing.com and we'll put you on a waiting list and let you know when we are coming to your area.
I hope this little article has helped you to better understand our approach and the value of what we are accomplishing with this service that we provide.

Wishing You Best of Health!

Brian Hoyer FNTP, Geobiologist
Founder of Shielded Healing

6 Responses

Wayne Daye
Wayne Daye

April 13, 2022

I’m a painter in Atlanta GA how do I get a EMF acessment

Brian Hoyer
Brian Hoyer

March 24, 2022

With some people I think there is probably a lot I can learn from them and not much they could learn from me, and not for a lack of there being something to learn. When I wrote that “we provide the best and most thorough assessments out there” it is based on my experience with people that do this work and a desire to truly help people.

It’s my craft.

Many legends in sports individually believed they were the best at the same time one of their competitors believed the same about themselves. They could challenge each other one on one but that doesn’t tell us how they work as a team. It’s ultimately up to the fans to decide who the GOAT is. Michael Jordan or Lebron James? Kareem or Wilt? Brady or Montana?

One of the biggest problems in this industry is that experts tend to get too technical and overwhelm people, which deters them from taking action. Another problem is getting stuck doing things the same way for decades as technology changes so people don’t see a significant difference when changes are made that don’t address new issues.

As long as Shielded Healing is effective at helping people take action and achieve successful health outcomes for our customers that are implementing our philosophy of shielding and solutions I’ll be happy BUT there is always more for us to learn and grow.

When we learn something new we change and shift to improve. Standards can change. The strictest standards to exactly match our ancestral habitat from a field strength perspective is outlandish and many times extremely difficult and costly to achieve. There is a balance there. We have to focus on the human and the biology and not the readings. Part of the human aspect is socially dynamic.

The questions I think are valuable are…
What is the best we can reasonably achieve?
Will this make a significant impact on their health?
Can the person afford this?
Will they do it?

If our methodology or personality is a barrier to them taking any action at all then we have to ask ourselves if we are truly helping them or causing more stress.

We strive for perfection but perfectionist standards are not always the greatest good and don’t always result in the best outcomes for people. I train my team in a way that they can connect with people and help our customers achieve their goals while being realistic with them about what needs to be done to make a difference. We help more people that way.

Mark Taylor
Mark Taylor

March 02, 2022

Great idea – you have a tiny house in Greenbank WV!-I have been building tiny houses since 1990, but my wife did not get much of any relief living in Greenbank in 2010 – so as a GIS professional, I developed a way of 3-D vetting methodology using remote sensing anywhere in our cislunar planetary region (the region encompassing the farthest any human so far has lived). You state that you are a Geo-biologist and a Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioner, which is a good start. However, I have a Doctorate in Biochemistry and am working on one in Biophysics – so how is it you are so sure that “you have raised the standards for EMF assessments and remediation and now provide the best and most thorough EMF evaluations of anyone out there”? For example, I have had a 200 Hz. to 1 THz. standard of less than -85 dBm since 2015, because my wife is affected by any emissions above this standard (more than 4 magnitudes lower than yours that also beats Baubiologist’s the normative experts). While as a licensed general building contractor since 1968, I also do the remediation myself eliminating the need for free reassessments. You are welcome to look at my 2 websites: https://rfsiteevaluations.weebly.com/ and https://marksmitzvahs.com/ . Good luck you have a great start in this life including beautiful family, home and as an independent & intelligent person, but it has taken an entire lifetime for me to get where I am – so please do not make yourself look so arrogant – there are plenty of those folks at the top of our government and you will not really be able to compete in hubris – anyway who wants to aside from sociopaths.

Brenda Cosentino NTP
Brenda Cosentino NTP

March 02, 2022

Hi Brian- We just moved to a solar-powered home. There is no cell service or electricity within 10 miles. How can we minimize rf coming off our solar array? GS filters overload the inverter and we are not able to use them here. Any help at all will be appreciated.
Thanks! We love your work!

terrance scott
terrance scott

June 05, 2020

Hello Brian, i just want to say i really believe in the work you do, and i would like to know is there any courses to learn every aspects of EMF’s and the effects on our health?


June 05, 2020

Dear Brian and team,
Do you have any articles that might guide someone like myself in choosing a home? I bought the basic set of meters a while ago to test my living space now, as well as test potential homes in the future so I will buy a home that already is at a point where it can be remediated. I’ve read other blogs that guides someone on what to look for that might NOT be able to be remediated, but I’d love to see an article like that from your team. What you said in this article resonates with me – not all EMF consultants have the same level of expertise and the results definitely can be subpar. Thank you!

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