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Wellness Consults

After Shielding - The Healing

Brian and his team started first and foremost as wellness practitioners.  
Shielded Healing began as a way to create more optimal healing environments from an EMF perspective at a time when only a few practitioners were utilizing EMF shielding techniques as a way to enhance their wellness practices. 

The body cannot heal optimally in an environment full of stimulating EMF stress.  If you haven't addressed all your EMF stressors through an EMF Test and shielding then we HIGHLY recommend doing so before this type of consult or you may waste a lot of money on supplementation that may not be needed if you were sleeping nightly in a Shielded Healing environment.  

If you have shielded, congratulations!  Let's move you through the healing process in the most optimal way we know how.

"One of the most eye opening insights I had in my work as a health practitioner in relation to EMFs was that when I started implementing shielding protocols in my nutrition practice. It enhanced the healing ability of every supplement and sped up recovery in every way.  Clients could get off leaky gut protocol supplements in half the time and many chronic issues simply disappeared and we could jump forward to deeper healing right away."

~Brian Hoyer, Founder of Shielded Healing
(talking about his nutritional therapy practice)

The Shielded Healing philosophy of healing is two-fold.

1) Remove the stressors.

2) Add resources the body needs to heal.

First, we must awaken dormant healing responses in the body. How do we do that? We start by eating more like our ancestors and re-creating an ancestral environment. This unlocks hibernating ancient healing pathways suppressed by modern toxins and stressors that are keeping us in what we call a “healing halted” mode.



EMF (including light):  Eliminate or reduce the artificially introduced EMFs in your environment that prevent your body from reaching a parasympathetic healing state. This cannot be accomplished with harmonizers or devices that are not actually removing or blocking the EMFsShielding is the best way to achieve an environment that more closely resembles the environment humans lived in for thousands of years.  We must remove these EMF stressors as a first step.

Digestive stress: Almost everyone has suboptimal digestion that causes major stress on the body.  This involves optimizing cellular breakdown and digestion of fats, proteins, and carbs (sugars) and balancing blood sugar regulation with appropriate ratios of food for your individualized needs.

Allergens: If you are even slightly allergic to any food you are currently eating or substance in your environment then your body will halt optimal healing.  These allergens need to be identified and removed so they don't distract from the healing process.

Toxins: Environmental toxins like mold, mycotoxins, chemicals, plastics, body care items, etc. need to be removed. Toxins you eat and breathe need to be removed as well.  Toxins and infections that create toxins IN your body need to stay until the body is open and ready to release them typically around 6-8 months into the program. 

Physical/structural stress:  Structural problems can create nerve stress or drainage pathway stress that will affect toxin release and digestion so this type of stress needs to be addressed.  Airways, lymph, sweat, and nervous system should all be flowing freely.

Emotional Stress:  Addressing childhood trauma and current relationship stressors can affect all of the above and is a HUGE component that can block healing from happening. 

Higher level healing: Mindsets and motivations as well as life's big questions and your worldview can impact your healing journey.  You need an optimistic path forward and to be able to put your hope in something outside of yourself.


This step is implemented after the largest stressors are removed but is added in to help deal with stressors as well.  As we continue to remove stressors the nourishment and supplements typically drop off to maintenance doses rather than therapeutic dosing.

Here is a list of some of the resources and cutting edge biohacking therapies we may recommend in our program.  ALL low or ZERO EMF therapies:

Photobiomodulation customized for sensitive individuals
customized food recommendations
customized fasting
appropriate sun exposure
optimal earthing/grounding protocol
molecular hydrogen
near infrared sauna
intermittent exercising
supplements that support the NRF2 pathway or NAD+
limbic system retraining
vagus nerve stimulation
PEMF therapies
static magnetic therapies

Please contact us at booking@shieldedhealing.com if interested in these services.  We will be accepting new clients starting in 2025.

In most cases it requires the purchase of a 6-12 month optimization package. 

You will notice a drastic change after the first 2 months on our protocols but it will take 3-4 weeks to fine tune and adjust both supplementation and therapies if you are very sensitive.